Green Screen Shoot Arrangements

Green Screen Shoot Arrangements

Following the completion of my storyboard, I have arranged a two hour shoot in the green screen room.

My male character is Dan Morris and Rob Potter has kindly stepped in to head with studio setup!

I have booked out a Canon 5d Mark 3 and a dolly and prepared the actor for tomorrow!

I am looking forward to finally filming the sequence and If anything needs to be altered/ re-shot I could have another 2/3 weeks to resolve and edit.


After a discussion surrounding dreams with my fellow Media Arts practitioners, a few notions were expressed.

Firstly, one of my peers mentioned that he recently had a dream whereby his hands slowly disappeared followed by a strange light headed sensation.

Hands are very expressive within our waking life and help us to describe and direct others, to loose them would be very limiting and increase vulnerability, I want to use this idea in my dream sequence and try to represent the idea with visuals as best as I can.

Secondly, everyone agreed that objects/ people/places can be represented in a completely different form yet we are still aware of the original form through other senses.

For instance, somebody that you know could be represented with a completely different face yet we are still aware of the original person, the same goes for locations and objects. I want to express this within my sequence also, by repeating an image that has been slowly altered between each shot.


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